SOME OF OUR GOALS The by-laws for MHDVA states, in part, that it "shall be the purpose of the association to aim for the preservation and maintenance of carriages; carriage literature and related items; the exchange of information regarding horse-drawn vehicles and the development of the driving horse; to serve as an accurate and technical source of information for the benefit of it’s members and the general public; to encourage the use of carriages and other animal-drawn vehicles for the promotion of public interest in their contributions to our cultural, social and economic history; and promote knowledge of, and safety in, horse related activities."
WHO WE ARE Today, MHDVA’s annual membership include families that live in all parts of Michigan, as well as other States and Canada! The club is open to all breeds of horses and ponies and welcomes any type of horse-drawn vehicle. Our member experiences range from novice to the very elite. For example we have members that don’t own a horse nor vehicle, but take advantage of the shared knowledge, while the professional members in our club include: national circuit trainers and show people, show judges, carriage restorers, harness makers, farrier’s, and veterinarians. Some even belong to more than just one driving organization.
ACTIVITIES No matter what your experiences, the club offers a lot for everyone. Club sponsored activities include: events, clinics, shows, fun drives, educational materials, and meetings…enjoy it all.
Our club holds the Blue Ribbon Driving Show and Clinic at least once a year, usually in June. Members can participate as entries, or volunteer their help for the show if they wish. On the first morning of the show, we hold a driving clinic that is open to all for a fee. Aside from the show clinic, we also try to arrange beginner clinics during the summer months. We participate at the Michigan Horse Council Stallion Expo to greet people who are interested in the sport of driving. All MHDVA are welcome to sign up and volunteer their time.
RECREATIONAL DRIVING AND SLEIGHING If you enjoy variety, we offer fun drives (for both carriages in summer and sleighs in winter) hosted by MHDVA members at their private residences. They are open to all interested members.
We also look forward to drives arranged in other areas and by other groups, such as Northway Fall Drive in Lake City or The National Drive in Indiana, both in the fall. If you are interested in hosting a drive, please contact the board to do so.
IN THE PAST With the variety of antique vehicles owned by MHDVA members, the club was frequently invited as an added attraction to town social events. Past events included the Mackinac Island Carriage Festival, Ovid Carriage Days, and Greenfield Village Gladwin Carriage Festival, to name a few. It is a chance to have fun visiting vintage towns and be the highlight of the event.
MEETINGS Because the summer months are found to be especially busy for all of us, meetings take place only during the winter months. The first meeting is the “Annual Dinner Meeting”, always on the 1st or 2nd weekend in November. A business only meeting is held in December. January through April we hold the “Ask The Experts Winter Series” meetings. Usually held on Saturdays, these meetings are currently held in Grand Ledge and are very beneficial and informative for all.
The Ask The Experts meetings have 3 segments and you are welcome to attend any or all. At 11 a.m. we eat and chat with each other. Around noon we have a business meeting to discuss upcoming events. Then around 1 p.m. we have a guest speaker presenting a topic chosen for that month.
MEMBERSHIP With your membership, you will receive a periodic newsletter that contains a listing of upcoming events, activities, articles, classified ads and updates on past events. We urge all members to feel free to send any interesting tidbits to the newsletter editor for publishing and sharing of your story! (Photo’s are always welcome).
RESOURCES To gain more knowledge about driving, the club has a variety of sources for your personal enjoyment. The Ways and Means Committee offers (to members only) a videotape library on the different aspects of driving. Tapes may be checked out at no charge by contacting the committee head. In addition to the tapes, the club offers various books on driving for SALE along with other items that are driving related. You can purchase these items also through the W&M head or at the any of the meetings. If you are seeking assistance with training a horse or want to learn about driving, don’t hesitate to talk to any member for references or assistance.